She’s Not Faking It: 4 Signs a Loved One Should Get a Hearing Aid

Couple on a date in cafe, holding hands on coffee table having a discussion about hearing loss and how its effecting their relationship. Two cups of coffee and smartphone on wooden table. Love and care concept.

It’s a normal first response – denial. Of course, my loved one’s hearing loss isn’t as advanced as it seems. She’s too young to require a hearing aid.

It’s possible, the both of you have begun to joke around with one another about it. She is always requesting that you repeat what you said. It’s just a game. You laugh about it. But this game is getting old fast. You wonder if she’s simply disregarding you or if she may actually be having some genuine hearing trouble.

It’s time to be supportive and make certain your loved one receives the care they need to keep living a happy, healthy, active lifestyle well into their older age.

Here are 4 common indications that somebody you know needs a hearing aid.

1. She’s more tired than usual especially when you go out

You may believe it’s simply an indication of aging. Your loved one used to have a lot more energy. When she says she just doesn’t feel like going out tonight, you try to be patient.

You really start to suspect that something isn’t right when she begins skipping meetings with clubs, organizations, and hobby groups she’s always enjoyed. Your loved one’s energy seems to be drained by loud settings. If there is a lot of background noise, or if more than one conversation is happening at the same time, this is especially true.

Additional energy is required to hear and comprehend what people are saying when somebody is dealing with hearing issues. Consequently, energy is transferred from other important brain functions like physical movement, memory, and speaking.

This use of additional energy is actually exhausting the brain not strengthening it. Your loved one will often seem to shut down with fatigue in social situations.

If you aren’t going through the same thing, don’t assume you can relate to what she’s going through. It could be a mix of things. In order to get to the root of the issue, ask her questions and advocate for a hearing exam.

2. She watches the TV LOUD

Often, you will notice this symptom first. They can’t seem to watch TV or play music at a healthy volume.

Your living room sounds like a cinema. You instantly get the impulse to make some popcorn, except you realize that she’s just watching a reality show or documentary at a volume that almost makes you cringe. You can even hear it from outside.

When you say that the TV is too loud, she may laugh and lower the volume. Then you realize that she just switched on the captions.

Perhaps she’s embarrassed about it. It’s probably time for you to suggest a hearing assessment if this is a regular thing.

3. She often needs people to repeat what they said

It might not be an issue if you are in a very loud setting or she’s really zoned in on something. But you should pay closer attention if this is occurring frequently.

Similarly, take notice if she seems to have a lot of trouble hearing when she’s using the phone.

Is she complaining about people mumbling or talking low constantly? Does she regularly need people to repeat what they said? It’s time for a compassionate talk about the benefits of hearing aids.

4. You’re feeling a rift in the relationship

Researchers have discovered that couples, where one is dealing with hearing loss, have about 50% more arguments. They might argue about what one of them did or didn’t say, the volume of the TV, or other misunderstandings.

Overall, there’s just more tension in a household when somebody can’t hear. They get aggravated about their hearing loss. Others get frustrated when they won’t get help. This brings about lots of hurt feelings and decisions to spend more time apart and alone.

Many couples don’t recognize that hearing loss is the cause, and this can damage their relationship irreparably. It’s important to get the proper help because even moderate hearing loss can strain relationships.

Whether it’s a friend, sibling, or spouse, you can get new perspective on your relationships by getting a simple hearing test. Talk to your loved one about getting a hearing test.

Individuals who realize they need hearing aids and use them say they’d never go back. Usually, they wish they would have done it sooner. Their general quality of life will be significantly enhanced.

It’s not a comfortable discussion to have. But the difficulty of this discussion is worth it when your loved one finally gets the help they need.

Need more practical ideas about how to handle your loved one’s hearing loss? Call us today!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.